Dr Majella Kilkey is a Reader in Social Policy, University of Sheffield; Co-Director of Faculty of Social Sciences Migration Research Group; Jacques Leclercq Chair, Université catholique de Louvain – Migration, Migrants and Social Policy: contradictions and challenges for European societies in an age of mobility (2017); Co-Convenor of White Rose DTC ESRC PhD Network on EU Citizenship – Freedom of Movement: Investigating Multi-level Citizenship (2016-2019); author of three books and numerous articles and research reports, and recipient of a number of conference and research awards, including from the Economic and Social Research Council, Fritz Thyssen Foundation and Riksbanken Foundation in the field of social policy / sociology with particular focus on intra-EU mobility in context of enlargement, economic crisis, gendered and family dimensions to migration, asylum and refugee policies; member of IMISCOE network, Young Adult Mobility and Economic Crisis and the Transnational Lives, Mobility and Gender Network (University of Lisbon).